Pedagogia das vivências corporais: educação em saúde e culturas de corpo e movimento (pdf)

CABALLERO, Raphael Maciel da Silva – Pedagogia das vivências corporais: educação em saúde e culturas de corpo e movimento. Porto Alegre: (Tese de Doutorado) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Faculdade de Educação – Grupo Temático: Educação em Saúde, 2015.

The possibility of producing health promoting actions has been strongly encouraged in the last decades, especially by the introduction of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, disseminated by the World Health Organization. A challenge to health education is then set: bringing education to a biopolitical encounter with medicine, reverberating biopedagogies in the society or using education, by means of the critique of cultural studies, to problematize health promotion and thinking a pedagogy of the body practices implicated with the life left open of the invention of the self and the world. In this sense, the investigation of primary health care has gained space, instead of clinics for the recovery of obese, hypertensive, diabetic, and sedentary people, or even hospitals and nursing homes. Primary health care, just like K-12 education, gathers/compiles actions and services related to life, citizenship, and human politics in societies that are literate and protected by public health. The problematization that was proposed as a dissertation made an inventory of the emergence of the statement “body practices, health
promotion, and primary health care”, projected in Brazil, from the mid-2000s, when we would achieve “health for all”, according to what was claimed in the first international primary health care conference (a task for the primary health care); of the Brazilian literature on body practices (occupation of the scientific field of Physical Education); and of the normativity in primary health care, health promotion, and body practices (an ordering of the Brazilian National Health System – SUS) to “immerse” in the quotidian doing of health in life territories (neighborhoods, communities, townships: family health). The methodology of the inventory served to investigate 192 experiences taken to the IV National Exhibition of Primary Health Care/Family Health, developed in 2014. When reading the event’s rationale, a biopolitical expression was found; when reading its goals, a biopedagogy of the “good shape” was found; when reading its methodology, the convention of the wriggle, squirm, put yourself in movement was found. However, what was read were the report itself and its outcomes. In the outcomes, there was always something unique, something out of the rules or the initial scope, a whisper. An account within the reports made them “vibratile”; thus, categorizing, classifying or ordering would mean to eliminate the live force present in the quotidian as a special corporeal pedagogy of the primary health care. This pedagogy did not emerge merely as “curative”, it was “educational”, not reestablishing health of the body in movement, but like a producer of acts in the culture by the movement. Without medicalization or pedagogization of the movement/physical exercise production, although, a biomedicalizing and biopedagogic discursivity. In the experience of the “cartographic” reading, “little things” from the landscape, the ways of doing, the distinct doers, the multiple reasons of doing, the changes of path, the introduction of unique aspects abounded. What was considered were the experiences that help the access to health in an implicit way, our body as the headquarters of sensations. The experiences allowed the enunciation of a “pedagogy of the corporeal experiences”, and action of primary health care that rivals with biopedagogies and biomedicalization, even though such tracks drain at large from the professional discourses.
Keywords: Health education; Bodly Practice; Health Promotion; Primary Health Care; Biopedagogies


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